OmniDTF Film - 14.5" x 328 - Instant Hot Peel Roll – Omniprint


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OmniDTF Film - 14.5" x 328 - Instant Hot Peel Roll

$ 130.00

Film Rolls For DTF Printer

Instant Hot Peel Roll
High Quality DTF film roll
14.5 Wide X 100 meters (328 feet) 

New Bulk Discounts (Automatically Applied at Checkout)
1-5 rolls = 5% off
6-25 rolls= 10% off
26-100 rolls = 15% off

Only Genuine OmniDTF Rolls, Powder and Inks are certified together for the best safety standards, washing , color AND peels like butter!

DTF - Film: COLD Peel:
- Make sure that your hands are clean and dry before touching the film to avoid moisture. This will damage the coating of the film.
- Place the film with the matt side up over the printing area of your printer.
- Print over the film using the proper settings on your printer. (Omniprint will provide the proper settings for this application).
- To apply transfer press the printed transfer for 15 seconds at 320 ºF. Cooldown to the touch then peel the transfer.
For further instructions follow the directions from the Omniprint Direct to transfer document.
Note: The settings and application instructions are for Omniprint transfer film, powder, and ink. Using other material or other inks may require different instructions.
Directions for DTF - Film: HOT Peel:
Make sure that your hands are clean and dry before touching the film to avoid moisture. This will damage the coating of the film.
- Place the film with the matt side up over the printing area of your printer.
- Print over the film using the proper settings on your printer. (Omniprint will provide the proper settings for this application).
- To apply transfer press the printed transfer for 15 seconds at 320 ºF. Smoothly Peel transfer while hot.
For further instructions follow the directions from the Omniprint Direct to transfer document.
Note: The settings and application instructions are for Omniprint transfer film, powder, and ink. Using other material or other inks may require different instructions.
P501: Dispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and disposal facility in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid inhalation. Do not ingest. Use with adequate ventilation. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Avoid breathing mists or vapors. When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Minimize contact with air to reduce contamination with mold, fungus, or other organisms which could cause decomposition or spoilage. Wash thoroughly after handling. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. If spills occur use proper gloves and absorbent pads to clean and dispose according to your local regulation.
First Aid: IN CASE OF CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing. Consult a physician. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician.
WARNING: May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Do not breath dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. Dispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plant. Supplemental Information: Stable under normal conditions.
STORAGE: -Keep in a cool and dry place not to exceed 75 ºF. Keep from freezing. Do not store in open, unlabeled, or mislabeled.

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